Tasia from GU Health / nib
Tasia Mitsoulas
Job title
Corporate Wellness Advisor
What are you/your organisation currently focusing on in terms of workplace health and wellbeing?
Our organisation is committed to leveraging population, industry and organisational data sets and the occasional pandemic to deliver meaningful wellness programs that deliver measurable business benefits to our clients.
We are currently working on a digital platform that will enable us to better understand our members. This deep personalisation will empower members to gain access to relevant and appropriate tools and information to take responsibility for their health.
What aspect of workplace health and wellbeing does your organisation do well in?
We are focused on developing valued and trusted relationships with our clients, moving us away from an organisation that simply pays medical claims to being an active partner in the provision of better health outcomes for our members.
We also leverage our unique assessments tools and claims data to gain a deep understanding of our clients’ current health status and deliver evidence-based wellness solutions.
What’s your biggest challenge working in workplace health and wellbeing?
The appetite and maturity for wellbeing can be quite diverse from one organisation to the next.
Successful programs and initiatives in one organisation may not necessarily translate as the best solution for another.
It’s imperative to spend adequate time in the assessment and consultation phase, before executing wellness solutions.
Energy spent on evaluating the success of programs and initiatives is often overlooked and should extend beyond reporting on participation levels.
How does WayAhead Workplaces add value to your organisation’s health and wellbeing program?
WayAhead Workplaces creates a networking platform opportunity for health and wellbeing professionals to share learnings and experiences in a safe, supportive and collaborative way.
How do you deal with stress?
Work in progress – deep breathing and the discipline of yoga seems to help.
What are the key issues and considerations for people in workplace health and wellbeing roles?
Health and wellbeing professionals are passionate about bringing best health outcomes to their stakeholders, as a consequence, they sometimes don’t make their own health a priority.
Exercising self-care is great role modelling for the people we are trying to influence.
How do you switch off from work?
Exercise, being in nature, interior styling and retail therapy.
What is your best time-saving tip?
A priority list and a can-do attitude to Eat that Frog!
What do you think the future of work health and wellness programs look like?
Health and wellness will become everyone’s business. This collaborative approach will lend itself to the evolution of a holistic suite of scalable offerings that address the societal, organisational and individual wellness concerns of our new world working life.
The World Health Organisation has identified the workplace as a priority setting for health promotion and disease prevention and we will all have a role to play… the sky is the limit!