Karen from the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards



Dr Karen Luxford

Job title

Group CEO


The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS)
ACHS International
ACHS International Middle East

What are you/your organisation currently focusing on in terms of workplace health and wellbeing?

Well-being of our ACHS Team is paramount. We are very focussed on all aspects of well-being and are using a range of strategies. A comprehensive wellbeing approach has been adopted which includes both mental and physical aspects contributing to wellbeing. The overall program includes staff training, social activities, provision of information about wellbeing techniques and priorities, reminders about physical activity and the importance of breaks and ensuring sound ergonomics in the home environment. ACHS staff also have access to an EAP.

Currently ACHS is focussing on mental wellbeing and keeping staff connected in a virtual environment with staff working from home, especially during the difficult times of lockdown.

What aspect of workplace health and wellbeing does your organisation do well in?

Our Team indicate that they feel well supported. ACHS staff responded to a wellbeing survey assessing the wellbeing strategies that have been adopted. The results of this survey indicate that the program currently offered is comprehensive.

What’s your biggest challenge working in workplace health and wellbeing?

The biggest challenge is ensuring that the current program is addressing the needs of all staff and meeting the needs of a diverse workforce. This is why ACHS offers several different initiatives aiming to support each staff member with a wellbeing program that works best for them. Ensuring that there are interesting and fresh activities or information to keep everyone engaged is also a challenge.

How does WayAhead Workplaces add value to your organisation’s health and wellbeing program?

Being able to share learnings and compare strategies amongst the WayAhead community is very helpful to organisations. We are all in this together!

How do you deal with stress?

As a CEO, it is key for me to achieve progress everyday. I feel best when I can make achievements happen and I can tick key items off my CEO list!

What are the key issues and considerations for people in workplace health and wellbeing roles?

Being aware of people’s circumstances and how our lives impact overall is critical. We have a great Team that are supportive of each other – coming together (virtually!) on RUOK Day recently to ask ‘Are you Really OK?’ was a Proud CEO Moment!

How do you switch off from work?

I like to walk for exercise – early in the morning – to clear my head and get into the right frame of mind for the day. Reading and watching movies or fun TV series with my family is great relaxation too! As CEO, I have emphasised the importance of work/life balance and switching off at the end of the day!

What is your best time-saving tip?

I am a very decisive person and like to action things as quickly as possible. Keep emails short and sharp! Especially if they are coming to the CEO – and you want a timely reply! ?

What do you think the future of work health and wellness programs look like

The future (as for many areas) is likely to be more ‘tailored’ rather than ‘one size fits all’.


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