Welcoming our new CEO & a message from our board
The Board is pleased to announce that we have appointed a new CEO to join WayAhead. Sharon Grocott will be joining WayAhead as our new CEO on Monday 17th April, and we look forward to working with her over the coming months and years.
Welcoming Sharon…
Sharon brings a great deal of knowledge and experience to her position as our new CEO. Some of you may already know Sharon in other contexts.
Over the past 9 years, Sharon has been part of the executive team at Interrelate where she has held several different roles, including Head of Research & Innovation, and provided support and services to vulnerable families & children as well as the community.
Sharon has developed strong leadership skills not only at her current role but throughout her career which will allow her to drive WayAhead towards achieving the organisation’s goals and objectives in the future.
Sharon’s professional background includes over 30 years in the community sector working in State/Local Government and non-profits, of which the past 20 years has been in senior leadership/executive roles. Sharon trained as a Social Worker and later completed the Masters in Community Management at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). In 2022, she completed the Graduate Diploma in Social Impact (UNSW) through a scholarship.
Sharon’s experience has been very broad, and she has worked across many areas of community services including mental health, disability, early intervention, family violence, aged care, child, youth, and family services.
Sharon has also been on the Boards of a variety of non-profit organisations ranging from education, advocacy, aged care, disability, and animal welfare.
Thank you to our incredible people…
The Board would like to thank Matthew Stanley for his commitment over the last 5 years at WayAhead. As Interim CEO, Matt played an essential role during a challenging period. He brought the staff together and focused everyone, including the Board, on our mission, purpose, and goals. Matt contributed a great deal in the short time he had as interim CEO and in his work as General Manager. Matthew is leaving WayAhead in April and the Board wishes him the very best for his future endeavours. He will be missed.
The Board also wants to thank all the staff and volunteers who have persevered over the last 3 years at WayAhead. We have weathered the pandemic, floods and fires and the retirement and change of CEOs. Matt and our entire team have sustained WayAhead throughout the year and including the Board directors, both longstanding and new, all of whom have contributed to the work of WayAhead.
Throughout the turbulence and challenges of the past 3 years, the Board of Directors and the team have focused on continuing the work of WayAhead in providing mental health information, advocacy, and support to the community of NSW.
Final thoughts…
The Board of WayAhead are excited to start a new chapter in our long history, working with Sharon as CEO and all our staff team. We know that there will be many opportunities to strengthen our programs, to promote positive mental and emotional health and wellbeing, to challenge stigma and discrimination in our community and to collaborate with like-minded organisations in the community mental health space.
Over the last year the Board in consultation with staff and other key stakeholders has been focused on an in-depth strategic review and developing a new strategic plan. The Board will be working closely with Sharon over the next 3 to 6 months to finalise the strategic and operational plans for implementation. Stay tuned for further news.
Sharyn McGee
Chair of Board
WayAhead Mental Health Association NS
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