Zoe, Richard and Carolyn from NSW Ambulance

Name and Job titles

Zoe Wooldridge: Employee Mental Health & Resilience Program Coordinator
Richard High: Health & Wellness Program Manager
Carolyn Waite: Health Coach


NSW Ambulance

What are you/your organisation currently focussing on in terms of workplace health and wellbeing?

We are currently involved with Wellbeing Workshops which will be attended by all staff (4500) in the next three years.

Zoe presents the Mind Fit session and Carolyn/Richard present the Body Fit session. These sessions help educate staff on the latest research in mental & physical health, wellbeing, areas they can improve, what support is provided and how they can access this support.

What aspect of workplace health and wellbeing does your organisation do well in?

We have a great support system in place, from our EAPS program to Peer Support, Internal Psychological Services, buddy program, Chaplaincy program, as well as our Fitness Passport program, staff have a number of options when it comes to looking after their health (both mentally & physically).

We have some great online education especially our online mental health literacy program.

Our award winning RAW (resilience at work) mind coach app teaches psychological coping strategies and makes a clear link between physical and mental health.

What’s your biggest challenge working in workplace health and wellbeing?

Ensuring we get the messaging right and that it is being heard. Our workforce is spread across NSW and for a large percentage, rarely at a computer. We make sure managers are aware of programs, initiatives so they can help pass on the message.

How does Way Ahead Workplaces add value to your organisations health and wellbeing program?

For all of us it is the networking and listening to others in our industry. We always walk away with a new idea or resource to access and feel inspired by the work others are doing.

How do you deal with stress?

Richard – Exercise! I run or ride most days and often my run incorporates some bush trails. Just getting into nature helps unwind after a stressful day.

Zoe – Exercise, mindfulness and maintaining social connections.

Carolyn – Through exercising (cardio, gym & yoga) and recognising when to take a moment out.

What are the key issues and considerations for people in workplace health and wellbeing roles?

Remembering that health & wellness is not everyone’s passion and it is important you understand the best way to influence them.

Ensure you have a range of programs and initiatives that employees can access as and when they need them.

How do you switch off from work?

It’s a cliché but through exercise and spending time with family and friends.

Reading a good book or listening to a podcast.

Being creative in the kitchen!

What is your best time saving tip?

Limit the time you spend watching TV!

Active commuting to/from work

Prepping meals in advance for the work week

What do you think the future of work health and wellness programs look like?

More gamified online programs that can be tailored for individuals and workplaces.

Technology that will pre-empt health conditions and recommend solutions to improve your health at work (and home).

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