Survey aimed at finding out what NSW needs for its mental health and wellbeing – now open

From today until 31 October, people across NSW are being asked to share their thoughts on how their own and their community’s mental health and wellbeing can be improved, says WayAhead CEO Elizabeth Priestley.

The NSW Wellbeing Survey 2019 is being run by WayAhead – Mental Health Association NSW and has been created to find out from different people and communities throughout the state about what they are currently doing to make sure they have good mental health and wellbeing and what they would like to see improved

“We are asking people what good mental health and wellness looks like and what they need from all parts of life including their community, workplaces and service providers like us to help them have the best mental health and wellbeing  imaginable. We want to hear from as many people as possible throughout New South Wales,” said Ms Priestley.

The NSW Wellbeing Survey 2019 asks 40 questions covering topics including contributing factors to good mental health and wellbeing, stigma and discrimination, anxiety, the public understanding of mental health, the needs and experiences of carers, the role of workplaces and what the needs are for  people in regional and rural parts of NSW.

“Some of the biggest issues we see throughout the state when it comes to mental health and wellbeing is the stigma people living with mental ill health still face. Of course, the situation is better than it was several decades ago, but what we hear from people with a lived experience of mental illness is that they still face discrimination because of their condition. WayAhead is committed to eliminating all forms of stigma and discrimination when it comes to mental health.

“The other major issue we are seeing in our community is loneliness. There seems to be a paradox that our society appears to be more connected through the internet and social media and yet year after year, we hear personal accounts and read reports which show that loneliness is on the rise. As a community we need to do better to ensure there are pathways for people experiencing loneliness to create social connections,” said Ms Priestley. 

Ms Priestley said the results of the survey will be made publicly available in the first half of 2020 when adequate time had been spent evaluating the responses. The final report will help inform and guide the work of WayAhead and be shared with consumers, carers and mental health service organisations operating in NSW.

“If people have a view on how we can improve the mental health and wellbeing of people living in New South Wales, then I really encourage them to take part in the survey and have their voice heard,” said Ms Priestley.

WayAhead – Mental Health Association NSW, works every day to educate people throughout NSW on mental health and wellbeing, linking them to services and resources that improve their mental health. WayAhead’s vision is for a society that understands, values and actively supports the best possible mental health and wellbeing. WayAhead carries out its vision through its programs which range from anxiety support groups and seminars, childhood anxiety sessions for parents and teachers, a workplaces program, the WayAhead Directory and through coordinating the Mental Health Month public awareness campaign each October.

The NSW Wellbeing Survey 2019 is open from 1 August – 31 October 2019. VIEW SURVEY

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