Contact us

Get in touch with our team for any assistance with our programs or membership enquires.

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To add, remove, or update the details of members of your team, let us know via email or our contact form including the name, job title, and email address of any new contacts.

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If you’re leaving your organisation, don’t forget to connect us with the new best contact for your organisation’s membership.

WayAhead Workplaces members who move to a new organisation are eligible to receive a 20% discount on their first year of membership when joining through their new workplace.

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Members may invite their connections from outside our network to attend one session for free as a guest.

To bring a guest, please notify our team and ensure all attendees are registered for the meeting.

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The number of attendees per meeting is determined by your membership tier.

If you have additional team members who would like to attend a meeting in person or online, we would love to accommodate them where capacity allows. Reach out to our team to discuss additional attendees.

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WayAhead Workplaces is a registered not for profit and a for-cause organisation. We are supported by our members to continue out work in improving workplace mental health and wellbeing across Australia by providing services, connection, and support to those in the sector.

Our membership tiers are designed to prioritise accessibility and minimise cost as a barrier to support, with fees dependant on the size and nature of the organisation.

Discretionary discounts including small provider discounts are available on discussion with our team.

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Keep up to date with Wayahead Workplaces and the
Workplace Mental Health sector.

What’s included

  • Industry news & upcoming events
  • New and relevant research, resources, and articles

Our commitment

  • Filtered, high quality information
  • TLDR blurbs with high-level summaries and key takeaways