Stress less tips
Discover our practical tips for cultivating a positive and healthy environment in your everyday life. These simple strategies can help you maintain balance, reduce stress, and promote overall well-being, making each day a little brighter and more fulfilling.
Do one☝️thing at a time
Break it down.
Creating an ordered list of tasks you need to complete, breaking down large tasks into smaller components, and focusing solely on what you are doing in the moment can help put things in perspective and minimise stress. You might like to check this guide to single-tasking for more information.
Be active every day in as many ways as you can 🏃♂️
Good for your body, mind and mood.
Endorphins, which your body creates during activity, have been clinically proven to improve your mood. Start a new sport or look for ways to introduce more activity into your everyday life. For inspiration on what you could be doing see Queensland Health’s 20 fun ways to get active.
Eat healthy meals 😋
Find food that makes you feel good.
Eating healthy and not overdoing the sugar and caffeine can help you feel happy and well. There is increasing information now available on how our diet affects not just our bodies, but also our minds. Check out Head to Health’s look into food and good mental health.
Do more of what’s important to you 🤗
Time is precious so use it meaningfully.
Check in every so often to make sure that the things you spend most time on are in line with your goals and values. If they are, time flies and we feel a greater sense of accomplishment. To work out what’s most important to you and take a look at Action for Happiness’s guide to figuring out what’s important to you.
Go out of your way to make someone’s day ✌️
Good for others, great for you.
Giving someone a gift, cooking them dinner, or even just letting them know why you appreciate them goes a long way towards improving our wellbeing and promoting a positive relationship. You might like to learn more or get some inspiration for something small you could do for someone today.
Celebrate when things go well 🥳
Mark your wins, both big and small.
Recognising the joy in both small and large achievements can make us feel better and encourage positive changes in our lives. See Psychologies Magazine’s article for some ideas on how to celebrate your achievements.
Take regular breaks ⌛
Go for a walk, read the next chapter of your book or have a 30 second dance party at your desk.
Whatever you choose to do, taking a break is a great way to decrease your stress levels and increase your productivity. Need a reminder? No problem. Take a look at this list of 5 free reminder apps.
Focus on the present 😇
How’s the serenity?
Even a couple of minutes a day focusing on the present can help to put things in perspective and reduce anxiety levels. There are many apps out there that can help you practice mindfulness, including the free app, Smiling Mind, developed by a team of Australian psychologists.
Offer and accept help 👋
There are enough rough patches in life without having to go it alone.
Talking to someone can help to sort through your feelings and provide perspective. Even just the act of airing your concerns can have an positive effect. You might like to check out Lifeline’s barriers and benefits to asking for help.
Get involved in a cause you believe in 😄
Don’t wait to be asked, take the leap.
Volunteering doesn’t only help others, it helps us as well. Benefits can include social connections, creating meaning in your life and increasing gratitude. See Go Volunteer for current volunteering opportunities in a range of causes.
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