Geraldine from Citi
Geraldine King
Job title
WHS & Wellbeing Manager
What are you/your organisation currently focussing on in terms of workplace health and wellbeing?
Citi underwent Blackdog’s Mentally Healthy Audit recently. We are focusing on implementing the recommendations from that audit, and on Managers Leading Well teams, later this year.
What aspect of workplace health and wellbeing does your organisation do well in?
Support. One of the findings of the BlackDog audit was that Citi has good processes and support systems for employees who need assistance for physical/psychological injury and return to work.
What’s your biggest challenge working in workplace health and wellbeing?
People are time poor and overloaded with communication. I spend a lot of time with Citi’s Corporate Affairs team working out what, when and how wellbeing messages are communicated.
It is also about changing the program, building on previous years’ programs and keeping messaging fresh so that staff don’t get bored or switch off.
How does WayAhead Workplaces add value to your organisations health and wellbeing program?
I have been a member of the WayAhead for many years. It has contributed enormously to the organisations that I have worked for and to me professionally. WayAhead has always been a step ahead with finding relevant speakers that address workplace health issues. I come away from every meeting with a new idea or contact that I can use to enhance the Wellbeing Strategy.
The networking with other people in this space and providers has been enormously beneficial also.
How do you deal with stress?
It depends on the type of stress – but I do a range of things; reach out and ask for assistance when needed, spend time with genuine people, family and friends. I did a four week mindfulness meditation course recently and find that practicing mindfulness really does help me.
I also walk, swim or go to the gym in the mornings with a friend who keeps me on track. I have recently discovered a water aerobics class that is like a water disco and love it!
What are the key issues and considerations for people in workplace health and wellbeing roles?
- Time
- Communicating the messages effectively
- Developing programs that span generations
- Digitisation
How do you switch off from work?
There are only some days that I feel the need to switch off. I really love my job and get a great deal of satisfaction from it. If I do need to switch off, the answer would be similar to my answer re dealing with stress.
What is your best time saving tip?
If you receive a meeting invitation, don’t automatically say yes. Think about if you really need to be there first.
What do you think the future of work health and wellness programs look like?
I think we are already starting to see an increase focus on positive psychology infusing wellbeing programs and I would expect that this focus will continue to grow. Same with digitalisation;
With increasing digitalisation and increasing agility/flexibility, the need for people to connect with each other will be very important. Programs that reach out to employees wherever they are, and create ways to connect people will be vital to employee wellbeing. Digitalisation will allow employees to access information to assist/track their health easily; positive human-to-human contact will continue to be an important part of workplace wellbeing.
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